Saturday, January 8, 2011


PUPPY MILLS It's about time. I saw a program tonight about the HSUS finally investigating (videotaping) puppy mills. Owners who purchased sick dogs from a pet store (USA) are suing that company. The tapes of mills show too many dogs stuck in dirty wire cages or on concrete floors with dirty green drinking water in white pails. One mill shown had been selling pups with parvo virus to a pet store chain and the video showed feces lying around the cages. I can't help wondering -- if people treat dogs this way, what are they doing to other domestic animals? The puppy millers should all be sent to prison for at least a year and never allowed to have care of an animal again.

NEW ZEALAND Following that was a program about the fact that Europeans brought rabbits which overtook the countryside of New Zealand, leaving insufficient grazing for sheep. Stoats were imported to kill the rabbits but they have been killing native birds such as the kiwi which are now on the endangered species list.

One can never overestimate the cruelty and stupidity of the human species.

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