Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Eastern Ontario. While I was lounging in the heat (28°C) on a sunny Monday, twenty centimetres of snow fell to the ground in Gillam, northern Manitoba (between Churchill and Thompson). That's as much snow as we get in a mid-winter snowstorm. On the weekend, golfball-sized hail, rain and strong winds tore through other parts of Manitoba, including Winnipeg. No wonder my paternal grandparents moved away from Manitoba after trying out homesteading there ;-) The chance of snow in June plus rampant mosquitoes in whatever summer they had must have driven them crazy.

Here, it is hay-making time. We had a few sunny days until today and are expected to have more sunshine this week. For mid-June, it's very pleasant weather. Meanwhile, in the Atlantic provinces they are enjoying their usual mix of warm sunshine and frequent cloud/rain. Is it any wonder I love living here?

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