Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I was in my late teens, hanging out with a friend who liked animals. He took me to his pal's home but nobody was there. Taking the key from its "secret" spot, he let me inside so we could look at some young kittens. Suddenly, a nine foot tall lizard appeared at the kitchen door!

Then I woke up. That nightmare was thanks partly to watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (again) plus reading The Ruins by Scott Smith. Harry Potter books and movies don't normally cause nightmares so I put the blame mainly on The Ruins in which a pleasant beach vacation turns into a horror story. Some friends head to the interior of the country and ignore the the taxi driver's warning: "No good you go this place." ... "I take you new place. Fifteen dollars. Everyone happy." It all goes downhill from there. Not a book to read if you are prone to being frightened, getting depressed or having nightmares. You've been warned.

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