Fri. Jul 22, 2011, 0:00 EDT 28°C
Officially, a heat wave is three consecutive days with temperatures of 32°C or higher. Given the humidex, it feels like we're in the middle of one.
Last night, I stayed awake late reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Today, hot sunshine kept my walks outside with Terri very brief. We spent a lot of the day lying on the bed in the breeze from the standing fan while I finished the book. At 9 PM my attempt to relax in the cooling air was stymied by small biting insects. At 11 PM, Terri and I were able to enjoy the peace of a quiet deck and cooling air. She felt cool enough to persist in retrieving a half chewed up plastic toy every time I tossed it into the dimly lit yard. Finally, I insisted that she settle down and rest. Belgian Shepherds do not rest outside willingly unless it is very hot. The Canadian BSD standard includes the sentence: He should be watchful, attentive, and always in motion when not under command. Terri can certainly be described that way.
Tomorrow will be another hot day but cooler than today: 29°C with humidex = 35°C I think I'll join Terri and splash in the cold water from the hose at some point.
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